When Bill asked Hog Roast Thame to cook for his 75th birthday party, he asked us to make our amazing, famous pigs in buns for him and his guests of family members and friends. To make these heaven-sent delights, our professional chefs prepare the high-quality, locally-sourced meat from scratch and then slowly cook it for hours on end until we get soft, tender, moist meat on the inside and salty, crunchy crackling on the browned outside. Once we’ve carved, we fill soft bread rolls and wraps with bits of the meat and crackling, add our own-recipe apple sauce and sage and onion stuffing, and then they’re ready to be devoured – though maybe after you’ve added your own choice of condiments to them!

For Bill’s special occasion, he asked Hog Roast Thame to cook in his own back garden, which we often do for our customers. We can cook in just about any location that you need, as our own range of hand-built hog roast machines are gas-powered and easily manoeuvred, but for Bill, he was happy that we could cook for him in the comfort of his home surroundings.
Over the past weekend, on the day of Bill’s birthday, our Hog Roast Thame chef and catering assistant made their way to his home and set up our equipment in the garden. Once the gazebo was up, it shaded us from the warm sun as we worked, and our chef could crack on with preparing the meat to be roasted. After scoring the meat in diagonal shapes all over, we covered it all in plenty of water, to keep it moist during the cooking process, and then massaged in lots of salt, which turns the skin into crackling.
Before too long, the medium-sized hog was sizzling away in its own juices and we just had to keep an eye on the meat as it cooked thoroughly, both inside and out, for hours and hours.
Later on in the day, the garden was filled with meaty aromas that greeted Bill’s guests as they arrived, and by 4pm, our chef got the carving knives out.